We live in a world of uncertainties. The world we live in is also inter connected as never been before in human history. We get to see and learn of things happening in places across the universe right by clicking on in our hand-held devices that were not imaginable when most of us were born.
The Universal News Network comes to connect each one with the universe and all its beauties, the noble deeds, the inventions, the new inventions, the heroic acts and the uncertainties that we encounter every day in our lives, helping us become aware of this rapid change in the universe. Given the pace of change today, we need journalism that helps us to navigate through uncertainty.
As cultural storytellers, journalists influence our collective story. If the purpose of journalism is to support us in making sense of our world, providing the news and information we need to be free and self-governing, what does that tell us about stories that help us find our way in times of change? It calls for an expanded purpose: journalism that not only informs, but also engages, inspires, and activates us to be free and self-governing.
At the Universal News Network, we want to focus on possibility-oriented storytelling that fuels hope and sparks innovative ideas and actions; seeking to lead discussions creating, disseminating and using news and information that serves us all, and providing a platform for diverse voices, forms, and engaging everyone on the universe lively and continually engaging and innovating.
Welcome to The Universal News network. Please join us and let’s together journey and work towards informing, educating and engaging the peoples of the universe in a way that makes our universe a safer and healthier place for the entire humanity to live, cherish and succeed.
Got something to contribute? A story? A question? A resource? In the spirit of theunn.com’s aspiration to be a go-to place for connecting people involved with the emerging news and information, we invite you to join in.
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Sincerely Yours,
Ajay Ghosh
Chief Editor